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1/19/24 - Fasting - Devotion

Jan 19, 2025    Pastor Jason DiSarro

Fasting - Devotion ***(Unfortunately, our audio went out mid way through the service)***




Scripture Reference: Joel 2:13a

And rend your heart and not your garments.

Isaiah 58



-Esther fasted for God’s deliverance against a terrible event in which the people of Isreal would be exterminated while in the Medo-Persian empire.

-She had all the Israelites fast for three days before she approached the king in the face of death (the king could have her killed for approaching the throne without request)

-Esther finds favor with the king and requests the king to a banquet

-Esther then requests another banquet but with Haman present this time

-Haman plots to hang Mordecai

-While at the same time Haman is plotting to hang Mordecai on the gallows, the king, in a completely separate event, could not sleep and had the book of records read to him. He was reminded of Mordecai’s heroic actions to save the king from a plot to kill him.

-He asked Haman, without revealing a name, what should be done to honor a man. Haman, incorrectly assuming it was himself, went on about honoring such a man with a crown, robe, horse, and publicly acknowledge him.

-Now, Esther’s banquet takes place and was granted favor again by the king. She revealed the plot to kill the Jews by Haman

-The king did not initially order for his death- The king left Haman & Esther’s presence in anger and returned to see Haman assaulting Esther while present in his own palace (Haman had approached Esther begging for his life and evidently was either assaulting Esther or at least the king felt that way)

-A eunuch recommended Haman be impaled on the gallows and recommended the king that those gallows were prepared for Mordecai, the hero. The king had Haman impaled on the very gallows prepared for Mordecai

-The king gave his signet ring that was initially Hamans to Mordecai. Queen Esther was put in charge over Hamans household

-Esther, again finds favor and requests the annihilation of the Jews be voided (the deadly decree to annihilate the Jews was still legally in effect)

-The king allowed Mordecai to write up the decree in which would cancel the original order and allow the Jews to defend themselves, assemble, and destroy any army that rises against them, including woman and children while also keeping the spoils even though the Jews never kept the plunder. The king gave Mordecai royal authority with his signet ring and also had his royal messengers and horses deliver the message.

           -The Jews celebrated and many people in the land actually converted to God’s people because of the joy and favor given via Esther and Mordecai.

-Esther given favor to hang Haman’s ten sons

-The Jews in the land celebrated and became an annual feast -The Feast of Purim a two-day feat of turning sorrow into gladness & mourning into a holiday



·     100 years after the Babylonian exile took place. Some returned to Isreal (Ezra & Nehemiah) and some did not.

·     Esther took place in the city of Susa, the capital of Persia

·     Mordecai- Uncle to Esther/ Hadassah

o  Was credited with exposing a plot to kill the king

o  He believed that God was going to deliver Isreal one way or another but pleaded with Esther that perhaps she was raised to be Queen for such a time as this

·     Esther/Hadassah – niece, parents died

o  Was found with great favor by the king and exalted to the position of Queen

o  If I perish, I perish

·     King Ahasuerus- drunk

·     Haman- bad guy who wants to kill all the Israelites

o  Agagite- descendent of Canaanites (1 Samuel 15)

o  To decide the date of extermination, he roles the dice (Pur in Hebrew) and it is decided for 11 months later

o  Enraged by Mordecai not respecting him



·     God can sometimes reserve His honor for us at a different time than when we would expect

o  Mordecai had never received a reward for saving the king. God had reserved His honor just when he needed it most- the time when Haman had planned for his death

·     Fasting is a spiritual discipline that reflects the extremity of mans desire for God to move. God’s heart is moved by fasting.

o  Fasting Is not a manipulative trick or quick fix. It is an act of deep humility and honor to God.

o  Fasting is a sacred act, one of desperation if you will.

o  Fasting is done to draw closer to God and shed our futile fleshly desires. It also can be directed towards an even that needs divine breakthrough


1.    Faith- Fasting must be done from a place of faith

2.    Humility- Humble yourself before God

3.    Surrender- Surrender your will to His (sins, weaknesses, etc.)

4.    Intentionality- Be intentional in your seeking of Him (at least three times a day, stop and read & pray- replacing the meal times, He will sustain you. Be still. Be led by the Holy Spirit. Have a reading plan and/or a devotional.)

5.    Embrace- Be renewed by His grace and compassion and love

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