Our Story

our church name

God gave us the name of the church through three verses:

Exodus 33:22 - God hides us in the cleft of the rock
Psalm 18:2  - Jesus is the rock of our salvation
Colossians 3:3 - We are hidden with Christ through death

We believe that God hid Moses in what was the representation of Jesus Christ, the rock of our salvation.
Moses asks God to see His glory and God responds with grace and compassion in revealing His glory as “all my goodness”. Not power, might, or judgement but goodness. He reveals Himself and His glory as good. So simple, yet it sums up the truest essence of who God is…good.

God stands Moses on a rock - strategically placed - near Himself. God is always near to those who seek Him.

At that moment, God passes before Him, covering his face. While initially out of protection, previous verses state that Moses and God met face to face (Exodus 33:11). We believe God was showing how He would provide covering through His son Jesus Christ.
Jesus is the radiance of the glory of God and the exact representation of His nature (Hebrews 1:3). The glory of God is shown in the face of Jesus Christ (2 Corinthians 4:6).

Isn't it interesting that this all takes place before God gives the law? God shows a glimpse of His glory through the foreshadowing of who Christ is, the rock of our salvation, then He shows His people why they need - the Rock – for salvation.

Finally, when we ask Christ to come into our hearts, our old self dies. We are then hidden in Christ with God as a new creation. Our eternal life is safe!  We are securely hidden from death and decay, which we have been given victory over through Jesus!

While this speaks of an eternal life, We also believe that through the sanctification of our earthly life, there are areas in our walk with Christ that have taken on a death through loss, separation, painful harm, etc. As we surrender these painful places before the throne of grace, He provides healing and restoration through His grace and compassion for us. He hides us safely in His glory… revealed as goodness…through Jesus Christ.

Welcome to Cleft of the Rock Church